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Conference Presentations

Podium Presentations by GargLab:


  1. Jain A, Ridolfo A, Subramaniam M.M, Johnson D, Pattan E, Babu S, Kornbluth J, Garg K, “Hypoxic and Normoxic Extracellular Vesicles: Divergent Effects on Muscle Trauma Recovery”, Trainee Talk at Institute of Translational Neuroscience (ITN) Meeting, SLU-School of Medicine. Awarded the ‘Best Q and A handling award’ for her talk.

  2.  Jain A, Ridolfo A, Subramaniam M.M, Johnson D, Pattan E, Babu S, Kornbluth J, Garg K, “Differential Effects of Hypoxic and Normoxic Extracellular Vesicles in Muscle Trauma Recovery”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) 2024, Baltimore, Maryland.

  3. Tadiwala J, Tobo C, Ridolfo A, Wood M, Garg K, “GDNF-infused Biosponges for Improved Muscle Reinnervation Following Volumetric Muscle Loss”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) 2024, Baltimore, Maryland.

  4. Tadiwala J., Tobo C., Ridolfo A, Wood M, Garg K, GDNF-infused Biosponges for Improved Muscle Reinnervation Following Volumetric Muscle Loss, Podium Presentation at the 3rd Annual IDBI symposium, SLU, September 2024. Recognized for excellence in research

  5. Johnson D., Ridolfo A., Mueller R., Chermack M., Brockhouse J., Tadiwala J., Jain A., Bertram K., Garg K., “Biosponge-Encased Placental Stem Cells Enhance Regeneration and Diminish Fibrosis Following Volumetric Muscle Loss”, Podium presentation at the 7th TERMIS World Congress, Seattle, WA from June 25-28, 2024. WFIRM Young Investigator Award Winner

  6. Johnson D, Au J, Tobo C, Nagarapu A, Ziemkiewicz N, Chauvin H, Robinson J, Shringarpure S, Brockhouse J, Flaveny CA, and Garg K (2024), Combined Regenerative Rehabilitation Improves Recovery Following Volumetric Muscle Loss Injury in a Rat Model, Oral presentation at the 10th Annual International Symposium on Regenerative Rehabilitation in Boston, MA.

  7. Johnson D, Robinson J, Bertram K, and , Improving Stem Cell Therapy with Biosponge Encapsulation and Hypoxic Culture, Flash talk and poster presented at Missouri Physiological Society (MOPHYS) meeting at Saint Louis University. 2nd place winner in the 4th year PhD and postdoc category

  8. Tadiwala J, Developing an model of the neuromuscular junction, Trainee talk at Institute for Translational Neuroscience monthly meeting, Oct 13th 2023, at Saint Louis University.

  9. Johnson D, Robinson J, Bertram K, and Garg K, Improving Stem Cell Therapy with Biosponge Encapsulation and Hypoxic Culture, Oral presentation at Graduate Student Association research symposium (SLU), May 2023.

  10. Johnson D, Au J, Tobo C, Nagarapu A, Ziemkiewicz N, Chauvin H, Paoli A, West C, Flaveny CA, and Garg K, Regenerative Rehabilitation for Enhancing Muscle Recovery Following Volumetric Muscle Loss, Oral presentation (virtual) at the Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource (MR3) Network 2022 Scientific Retreat, Sep 2022.

  11. West C, Stealey S, Flaveny CA, Zustiak SP, and Garg K, Immunomodulatory biosponges for volumetric muscle loss, Oral presentation at 28th Annual Graduate Student Association research symposium (SLU), May 2022. 3rd place winner in the Biological Sciences paper presentation category.

  12. Chauvin H, Ziemkiewicz N, Au J, and Garg K, Effects of electrically stimulated eccentric contraction training on macrophage phenotype and neuromuscular junction remodeling, Oral presentation at 28th Annual Graduate Student Association research symposium (SLU), May 2022.

  13. Au J, Ziemkiewicz N, Chauvin H, and Garg K, Biomolecular response of traumatized skeletal muscle to electrically stimulated eccentric contraction training, Oral presentation at 28th Annual Graduate Student Association research symposium (SLU), May 2022.

  14. Paoli A, Genovese P, Ray R, and Garg K, Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosomes for Skeletal Muscle Regeneration following Trauma, Oral presentation at 28th Annual Graduate Student Association research symposium (SLU), May 2022.

  15. West C, Stealey S, Flaveny CA, Zustiak SP, and Garg K, Immunomodulatory biosponges for volumetric muscle loss, Oral presentation at Annual research symposium by Sigma Xi Honor Society (SLU chapter), April 2022. 1st place winner in the Graduate Physical Sciences and Engineering category.

  16. Chauvin H, Ziemkiewicz N, Au J, and Garg K, Effects of electrically stimulated eccentric contraction training on macrophage phenotype and neuromuscular junction remodeling, Oral presentation at Annual research symposium by Sigma Xi Honor Society (SLU chapter), April 2022. 1st place winner in the Graduate Biological and Life Sciences category.

  17. Au J, Ziemkiewicz N, Chauvin H, and Garg K, Biomolecular response of traumatized skeletal muscle to electrically stimulated eccentric contraction training, Oral presentation at Annual research symposium by Sigma Xi Honor Society (SLU chapter), April 2022. 2nd place winner in the Graduate Biological and Life Sciences category.

  18. Paoli A, Genovese P, Ray R, and Garg K, Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosomes for Skeletal Muscle Regeneration following Trauma, Oral presentation at Annual research symposium by Sigma Xi Honor Society (SLU chapter), April 2022.

  19. Johnson D, Au J, Tobo C, Ziemkiewicz N, Chauvin H, Nagarapu A, Flaveny CA, and Garg K, Regenerative Rehabilitation for Enhancing Muscle Recovery Following Volumetric Muscle Loss, Oral presentation at Annual research symposium by Sigma Xi Honor Society (SLU chapter), April 2022.

  20. Genovese P, Patel A, Ziemkiewicz N, Paoli A, Bruns J, Case N, Zustiak S, (2021), Mesenchymal Stem Cell Spheroids for Skeletal Muscle Regeneration Following Trauma, accepted for Oral presentation at the at the BMES 2021 Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.

  21. Ziemkiewicz N, Au J, Chauvin H, Garg K (2021), Electrically Stimulated Eccentric Contraction Training For Volumetric Muscle Loss, accepted for Oral presentation at the BMES 2021 Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.

  22. Ziemkiewicz N, Hilliard G, Dunn A, Madsen J, Haas G, Au J, Chauvin H, Genovese P, Garg K (2021), Laminin Enriched Fibrin Gels Promote Muscle Regeneration And Function After Volumetric Muscle Loss, accepted for Oral presentation at the BMES 2021 Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.

  23. Ziemkiewicz N, Hilliard G, Dunn A, Madsen J, Haas G, Au J, Chauvin H, Genovese P,  Garg K (2020), Laminin-111 Enriched Fibrin Gels Promote Muscle Regeneration And Function Following Volumetric Muscle Loss, Podium presentation at the 2021 Annual Orthopedic Research Society (ORS) meeting.

  24. Haas GJ, Dunn AJ, Madsen J, Scheidt S, Garg K (2019), FK506-loaded Biomimetic Sponges Enhance Skeletal Muscle Regeneration In A Rat Model of Volumetric Muscle Loss, accepted for podium presentation at the 2020 Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS).

  25. Dunn A, Haas G, Madsen J, Scheidt R, McBride-Gagyi S, Garg K (2019), Biomimetic sponges support functional muscle regeneration in a rodent model of composite trauma, Podium presentation at Graduate Student Association Annual Symposium, Saint Louis University.

  26. Haas G*, Dunn A*, Marcinczyk M, Talovic M, Scheidt R, Patel A, Schwartz M, Hixon K, Elmashhady H, McBride-Gagyi S, Sell SA, Garg K (2018), Biomimetic sponges enhance regeneration following volumetric muscle loss, Podium presentation at the BMES 2018 annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. *authors contributed equally

  27. Ziemkiewicz N, Talovic M, Madsen J, Hill L, Scheidt R; Patel A, Haas G, Marcinczyk M, Zustiak S, Garg K (2018), PEGylated Laminin Hydrogels for Skeletal Muscle Regeneration, Podium presentation at the BMES 2018 annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.

  28. Marcinczyk M, Dunn A, Haas G, Madsen J, Scheidt R, Garg K (2018), Laminin-111 enriched fibrin hydrogels enhance skeletal muscle regeneration following volumetric muscle loss, Podium presentation at the 10th symposium on Biologic Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine, Napa, CA.

  29. Dunn A*, Haas G*, Marcinczyk M, Talovic M, Scheidt R, Patel A, Schwartz M, Hixon K, Elmashhady H, McBride-Gagyi S, Sell SA, Garg K (2018), Biomimetic sponges support myogenic activity in a murine volumetric muscle loss model, Podium and poster presentation at the 22nd annual regenerative medicine workshop, Charleston, SC. *authors contributed equally. (3rd place winner in the podium/poster competition at the conference)

  30. Dunn A*, Haas G*, Marcinczyk M, Talovic M, Scheidt R, Patel A, Schwartz M, Hixon K, Elmashhady H, McBride-Gagyi S, Sell SA, Garg K (2018), Myogenic regeneration in a murine volumetric muscle loss model with the implantation of biomimetic sponges, Podium presentation at Graduate Student Association Annual Symposium, Saint Louis University. *authors contributed equally.

  31. Marcinczyk M, Dunn A, Haas G, Madsen J, Scheidt R, Talovic M, Garg K (2018), Evaluation of Laminin-111 enriched fibrin hydrogels for use following volumetric muscle loss injuries, Podium presentation at Graduate Student Association Symposium, Saint Louis University.

  32. Dunn A*, Haas G*, Marcinczyk M, Talovic M, Scheidt R, Patel A, Schwartz M, Hixon K, Elmashhady H, McBride-Gagyi S, Sell SA, Garg K (2018), Biomimetic collagen laminin-111 sponges promote myogenic regeneration in a murine volumetric muscle loss model, Podium presentation at the University of Memphis Biomaterials Day, Memphis, TN. *authors contributed equally.


Poster Presentations by GargLab:​


  1. Jain A, DiPaolo R, Kornbluth J, Garg K, “Comparative Effects of Proteins and Exosomes Derived from CD4+ T-cell Subsets on Satellite Cell Activity in vitro”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) 2024, Baltimore, Maryland.

  2. Ridolofo A, Tadiwala J, Jain A, Johnson D, Garg, K, “Neuromuscular Junction Modeling Using a Tissue Culture Device”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) 2024, Baltimore Maryland.

  3. Shaji S., Wolk N., Ly V., Tadiwala J., Jain A., Ridolfo A., and Garg K., Electrostatic MicroGels for Biologic Delivery, Poster Presented at the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), 2024, Baltimore Maryland.

  4. Jain A., Johnson D., Kornbluth J., Garg K.,Enhancing Muscle Regeneration: Distinct Roles of Hypoxic and Normoxic MSC- Derived EVs in VML Treatment, Poster Presented at the 3rd Annual IDBI symposium, SLU, September 2024. Poster Award Winner

  5. Ridolfo A., Tadiwala J., Jain A., Johnson D., Garg K., Modeling of Neuromuscular Junctions with a Tissue Culture Device, Poster Presented at the 3rd Annual IDBI symposium, SLU, September 2024.

  6. Shaji S., Wolk N., Ly V., Tadiwala J., Jain A., Ridolfo A., and Garg K., Electrostatic MicroGels for Biologic Delivery, Poster Presented at the 3rd Annual IDBI symposium, SLU, September 2024.

  7. Jain A., DiPaolo R., Kornbluth J., Garg K., “Comparative Effects of Proteins and Exosomes Derived from CD4+ T-cell Subsets on Satellite Cell Activity in vitro” Poster presented at the 7th TERMIS World Congress, Seattle, WA from June 25-28, 2024.

  8. Tadiwala J., Tobo C., Ridolfo M., Garg K., “GDNF-infused Biosponges for Muscle Reinnervation Following Volumetric Muscle Loss,” Poster presented at the 7th TERMIS World Congress, Seattle, WA from June 25-28, 2024.

  9. Johnson D, Ridolfo A, Mueller R, Chermack M, Brockhouse J, Tadiwala J, Jain A, Bertram K, Garg K, “Biosponge-Encased Placental Stem Cells Enhance Regeneration and Diminish Fibrosis Following Volumetric Muscle Loss”, MRC Symposium at Washington University, May 15, 2024, St. Louis, MO.

  10. Jain A, DiPaolo R, Kornbluth J, Garg K, “Comparative Effects of Proteins and Exosomes Derived from CD4+ T-cell Subsets on Satellite Cell Activity in vitro”, MRC Symposium at Washington University, May 15, 2024, St Louis, MO.

  11. Tadiwala J, Tobo C, Ridolfo M, Garg K, “GDNF-infused Biosponges for Muscle Reinnervation Following Volumetric Muscle Loss”, MRC Symposium at Washington University, May 15, 2024, St Louis, MO.

  12. Tobo C, Jain A, Jelliss P, Kornbluth J, and Garg K, "Optimizing localized delivery of biological cargo via gelatin nanoparticles for tissue injury sites," MRC Symposium at Washington University,, May 15, 2024, St. Louis, MO

  13. Johnson, D., Ridoflo, M., Mueller, R., Chermack, M., Brockhouse, J., Tadiwala, J., Jain, A., Bertram, K., and Garg, K., “Biosponge-Encased Placental Stem Cells for Volumetric Muscle Loss Repair,” Sigma Xi Research Symposium, SLU, April 3, 2024, St. Louis, MO.

  14. Tobo, C., Jain, A., Jelliss, P., Kornbluth, J., and Garg, K., "Optimizing Localized Delivery of Biological Cargo via Gelatin Nanoparticles for Tissue Injury Sites," Sigma Xi Research Symposium, SLU, April 3, 2024, St. Louis, MO.

  15. Tadiwala, J., Tobo, C., Ridolfo, M., Garg, K., “GDNF-infused Biosponges for Muscle Reinnervation Following Volumetric Muscle Loss,” Sigma Xi Research Symposium, SLU, April 3, 2024, St. Louis, MO.

  16. Jain, A., DiPaolo, R., Kornbluth, J., Garg, K., “The Impact of Exosomes Derived from CD4+ T-cell Subsets on Satellite Cell Activity in vitro,” Sigma Xi Research Symposium, SLU, April 3, 2024, St. Louis, MO.

  17. Ridolfo, M., Tadiwala, J., Jain, A., Johnson, D., Garg, K., “Neuromuscular Junction Modeling Using a Tissue Culture Device,” Sigma Xi Research Symposium, SLU, April 3, 2024, St. Louis, MO

  18. Johnson D., Ridoflo M., Mueller R., Chermack M., Brockhouse J., Tadiwala J., Jain A., Bertram K., Garg K., “Combination Therapy of Biosponge Encapsulated Placental Stem Cells for Traumatized Muscle,” GSA Symposium, SLU, April 26, 2024, St. Louis, MO.

  19. Tadiwala J., Tobo C., Ridolfo M., Garg K., “GDNF-infused Biosponges for Muscle Reinnervation Following Volumetric Muscle Loss,” GSA Symposium, SLU, April 26, 2024, St. Louis, MO

  20. Tobo C., Jain A., Jelliss P., Kornbluth J., and Garg K., "Optimizing Localized Delivery of Biological Cargo via Gelatin Nanoparticles for Tissue Injury Sites," GSA Symposium, SLU, April 26, 2024, St. Louis, MO

  21. Jain A., DiPaolo R., Kornbluth J., Garg K., “The Impact of Exosomes Derived from CD4+ T-cell Subsets on Satellite Cell Activity in vitro,” GSA Symposium, SLU, April 26, 2024, St. Louis, MO

  22. Johnson D, M. Ridolfo, J. Tadiwala, A. Jain, J. Brockhouse, R. Mueller, M. Chermack, J.Robinson, S. Shringarpure, K. Bertram, Garg K, Biosponge-Encased Placental StemCells Enhance Regeneration and Diminish Fibrosis following Volumetric Muscle Loss, Poster Presentation, Orthopedic Research Society (ORS) 2024 Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA.

  23. Jain A, Johnson D, Kornbluth J, and Garg K, The Impact of Extracellular Vesicles derived under Hypoxic and Normoxic Conditions on Inflammation and Muscle Regeneration, Poster Presentation, Orthopedic Research Society (ORS) 2024 Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA.

  24. Jain A, Johnson D, Kornbluth J, and Garg K, The Impact of Extracellular Vesicles derived under Hypoxic and Normoxic Conditions on Inflammation and Muscle Regeneration, Poster presented at SLU BIO-CHEM Research Symposium, Saint Louis University, Dec 2023. Poster Prize winner ($50) in the graduate category.

  25. Tobo C, Jain A, Jellis P, Kornbluth J, and Garg K, Optimizing localized delivery of biological cargo via gelatin nanoparticles for tissue injury sites, Poster presented at SLU BIO-CHEM Research Symposium, Saint Louis University, Dec 2023.

  26. Johnson D#, Ridolfo M, Tadiwala J, Jain A, Brockhouse J, Mueller R, Chermack M, Robinson J, Shringarpure S, Bertram K, and Garg K, Improving Stem Cell Therapy with Biosponge Encapsulation and Hypoxic Culture, Poster presented at SLU BIO-CHEM Research Symposium, Saint Louis University, Dec 2023.

  27. Jain A, Johnson D, Kornbluth J, and Garg K, The Impact of Extracellular Vesicles derived under Hypoxic and Normoxic Conditions on Inflammation and Regeneration in a Murine VML Model, Poster presented at Missouri Physiological Society (MOPHYS) meeting at Saint Louis University. 2nd place in the 2nd -3rd year PhD category

  28. Tobo C, Jain A, Jellis P, Kornbluth J, and Garg K, Optimizing localized delivery of stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) for immunomodulation, Poster presented at Missouri Physiological Society (MOPHYS) meeting at Saint Louis University.

  29. Jain A, Johnson D, Kornbluth J, and Garg K, The Impact of Extracellular Vesicles derived under Hypoxic and Normoxic Conditions on Inflammation and Regeneration in a Murine VML Model, Poster presented at 2023 BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

  30. Tobo C, Jain A, Jellis P, Kornbluth J, and Garg K, Optimizing localized delivery of stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) for immunomodulation, Poster presented at 2023 BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

  31. Johnson D, Robinson J, Bertram K, and Garg K, Improving Stem Cell Therapy with Biosponge Encapsulation and Hypoxic Culture, Poster presented at 2023 BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

  32. Tobo C, Jain A, Jellis P, Kornbluth J, and Garg K, Nanoparticle Shells for Enhanced Therapeutic Efficacy of Mesenchymal Stem Cell derived Extracellular Vesicles, Poster presented at 2nd Annual IDBI Research Symposium at Saint Louis University.

  33. Tobo C, Jain A, Jellis P, Kornbluth J, and Garg K, Improving Extracellular Vesicle Stability and Bioavailability through Electrostatic Nanoparticle Encapsulation, Poster presented at Sigma Xi 2023 Annual Research Symposium at Saint Louis University.

  34. Johnson D, Robinson J, Bertram K, and Garg K, Improving Stem Cell Therapy with Biosponge Encapsulation and Hypoxic Culture, Poster presented at Sigma Xi 2023 Annual Research Symposium at Saint Louis University. 1st place winner in the Graduate Life and Biological Sciences Category

  35. West C;  Au J;  Johnson D;  Tobo C;  Robinson J;  Shringarpure S;  Griggs D; Garg K, Combined Application Of Biosponges And An Anti-fibrotic Agent For The Treatment Of Volumetric Muscle Loss, Poster presented at ORS 2023 Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas.

  36. Johnson D, Au J, Tobo C, Nagarapu A, Ziemkiewicz N, Chauvin H, Paoli A, West C, Flaveny CA, and Garg K, Regenerative Rehabilitation For Enhancing Muscle Recovery Following Volumetric Muscle Loss, Poster presented at ORS 2023 Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas.

  37. Johnson D, Au J, Tobo C, Nagarapu A, Ziemkiewicz N, Chauvin H, Paoli A, West C, Flaveny CA, and Garg K, Regenerative Rehabilitation for Enhancing Muscle Recovery Following Volumetric Muscle Loss, Poster presented at 4th Annual Henry and Amelia Nasrallah Center for Neuroscience Research Symposium, Saint Louis University, 2022.

  38. Johnson D, Dunn A, Tobo C, West C, Ziemkiewicz N, Robinson J, Paoli A, Nagarapu A, Shringarpure S, and GargK, Biomimetic sponges enhance muscle mass and size following volumetric muscle loss in a female rodent model, poster presented at BMES 2022 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

  39. Johnson D, Au J, Tobo C, Ziemkiewicz N, Chauvin H, Nagarapu A, Flaveny CA, and Garg K, Regenerative Rehabilitation for Enhancing Muscle Recovery Following Volumetric Muscle Loss, Poster presentation at 28th Annual Graduate Student Association research symposium (SLU), May 2022. 3rd place winner in Biological Sciences poster presentation category.

  40. Dunn A, Haas G, Madsen J, Genovese P, Ziemkiewicz N, Au J, Chauvin H, Lin A, McBride-Gagyi S, (2020), Biomimetic Sponges Improve Muscle Function Following Composite Muscle-bone Trauma, Poster presentation at the 2021 annual Orthopedic Research Society (ORS) meeting.

  41. Haas G, Dunn A, Madsen J, Genovese P, Chauvin H, Au J, Ziemkiewicz N, Paoli A, Lin A, Pullen N, (2020), FK-506 Loaded Biomimetic Sponges Improve Muscle Structure And Function Following Volumetric Muscle Loss, Poster presentation at the 2021 annual Orthopedic Research Society (ORS) meeting.

  42. Ziemkiewicz N, Hilliard GM, Dunn AJ, Genovese PC, Trochinski A, Chauvin HM, Lin AN, Garg K (2019), Laminin-111 Enriched Fibrin Hydrogels Support Muscle Regeneration and Functional Recovery in a Rodent Model of Volumetric Muscle Loss, accepted for poster presentation at the 2020 Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS).

  43. Hilliard GM*, Ziemkiewicz N*, Dunn AJ, Genovese PC, Trochinski A, Chauvin HM, Lin AN, Garg K (2019), Laminin-111 Enriched Fibrin Hydrogels Support Myogenic Activity In A Rodent Model Of Volumetric Muscle Loss, *authors contributed equally. Poster presented at the 2019 TERMIS-Americas at Orlando, FL (Top 10 highly scored abstracts by student and young investigator or SYIS council).

  44. Dunn AJ, Haas GJ, Madsen J, Scheidt S, Ziemkiewicz N, Hilliard GM, McBride-Gagyi S,  Garg K (2019), Extracellular Matrix Sponges Support Functional Recovery Of Volumetric Muscle Loss In A Composite Musculoskeletal Trauma Model, Poster presented at the 2019 TERMIS-Americas at Orlando, FL (Top 50 highly scored abstracts by student and young investigator or SYIS council).

  45. Haas GJ, Dunn AJ, Madsen J, Scheidt S, Garg K (2019), FK506-loaded Biomimetic Sponges Enhance Skeletal Muscle Regeneration In A Rat Model of Volumetric Muscle Loss, Poster presented at the 2019 TERMIS-Americas at Orlando, FL.

  46. Dunn A, Haas G, Madsen J, Scheidt R, McBride-Gagyi S, Garg K (2019), Biomimetic Sponges Restore Function in a Composite Trauma Model. Poster presented at the Annual Sigma Xi Research Symposium, Saint Louis University (1st place winner in the Graduate Life and Biological Sciences Category).

  47. Madsen J, Chauvin H, Au J, Paoli A, Garg K (2019), An optimized image analysis algorithm for quantitative analysis of skeletal muscle fiber types, Poster presented at 1st Annual Henry and Amelia Nasrallah Center for Neuroscience Research Symposium, Saint Louis University.

  48. Hilliard GM*, Ziemkiewicz N*, Dunn AJ, Genovese PC, Trochinski A, Chauvin HM, Lin AN, Garg K (2019), Laminin-111 Enriched Fibrin Hydrogels improve muscle function following neuromuscular injury, *authors contributed equally, Poster presented at 1st Annual Henry and Amelia Nasrallah Center for Neuroscience Research Symposium, Saint Louis University.

  49. Haas GJ, Dunn AJ, Madsen J, Scheidt S, Garg K (2019), Biomimetic Sponges Enhance Skeletal Muscle Regeneration following neuromuscular injury, Poster presented at 1st Annual Henry and Amelia Nasrallah Center for Neuroscience Research Symposium, Saint Louis University.

  50. Dunn A, Haas G, Madsen J, Scheidt R, McBride-Gagyi S, Garg K (2019), Biomimetic Sponges Restore Function in a Composite Trauma Model. Poster Presentation at the Musculoskeletal Research Center Winter Symposium, Washington University at St. Louis, MO. (Poster Award Finalist)

  51. Patel K, Talovic M, Patel A, Schwartz M, Vendrell-Gonzalez S, Garg K (2019), Aligned nanofibers of decellularized muscle ECM support skeletal muscle regeneration in vivo, Poster Presented at Graduate Student Association Annual Symposium, Saint Louis University.

  52. Talovic M, Patel K, Schwartz M, Garg K (2019), Decellularized extracellular matrix gelloids for the delivery of mesenchymal stem cells in traumatized muscle, Poster Presented at Graduate Student Association Annual Symposium, Saint Louis University.

  53. Patel A, Gonzalez-Vendrell S, Haas G, Marcinczyk M, Ziemkiewicz N, Talovic M, Patel K, Fisher J, Garg K (2018), Regulation of Myogenesis by Substrate and Stimulation in vitro, Poster presented at the BMES 2018 annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. (Received Outstanding Achievement in Undergraduate Research and Design Award).

  54. Marcinczyk M, Dunn A, Haas G, Madsen J, Scheidt R, Garg K (2018), Laminin-111 enriched fibrin hydrogels enhance skeletal muscle regeneration following volumetric muscle loss, Poster presentation at the 22nd annual regenerative medicine workshop, Charleston, SC.

  55. Patel KH, Dunn A, Haas G, Marcinczyk M, Talovic M, Kalaf EG, Sell SA, Garg K (2017), Aligned nanofibers of muscle extracellular matrix for tissue regeneration, Poster presented at Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

  56. Marcinczyk M, Elmashhady H, Bugis F, Talovic M, Garg K (2017), Laminin-111 enriched hydrogels for regeneration of functional muscle tissue following volumetric muscle loss injuries, Poster presentation at Hilton Head Regenerative Workshop, SC. (NSF Travel award recipient)

  57. Talovic M, Marcinczyk M, Elmashhady H, Garg K (2017), Non-enzymatic glycation of collagen impairs regenerative capacity of mesenchymal stem cells, Poster presented at Hilton Head Regenerative Workshop, SC.

  58. Patel K, Elmashhady H, Kalaf EG, Sell SA, Garg K (2017), Nanofibrous decellularized ECM scaffolds for improving skeletal muscle regeneration and function following volumetric muscle loss, Poster presented at Hilton Head Regenerative Workshop, SC.

  59. Dunn AJ, Hilliard G, Hixon KR, Richard PN, Shornick LP, Garg K, Sell SA (2016), Incorporation of platelet rich plasma into silk fibroin electrospun scaffolds for the treatment of pressure ulcers, Poster presented at  Midwest BME Regional Conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

  60. Dunn A, Hilliard G, Hixon, K.R.; Richard, P.N.; Shornick, L.P.; Garg, K.; Sell, S.A.; (2017) Optimization of Platelet Rich Plasma Incorporated Electrospun Scaffolds for Chronic Wound Healing, Poster presentation at Regenerative Medicine Workshop, Hilton Head, SC.

  61. Dvoretskiy S, Garg K, Munroe M, Boppart MD (2016), Skeletal Muscle Pericytes Transition to a Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Phenotype Following an Acute Bout of Electrical Stimulation, Poster presented at APS Integrative Biology of Exercise Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

  62. Ziemkiewicz N, Patel K, Hill L, Marcinczyk M, Panicker S, Sikiric D, Garg K (2016), Collagen-Laminin Hydrogels for Improving Skeletal Muscle Regeneration, Poster Presentation, Sigma Xi Symposium at Saint Louis University.


© 2016 by Koyal Garg

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